Evaluation of Microbial Quality of Offered Foods in the Restaurant of Educational Center

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Effat Farzanehnia, Peyman Ghajarbeygi


This study was aimed to evaluate the microbial contamination of offered food (including:  cooked meat, cooked rice, cooked kebab, roast chicken and cooked fish, soup, stewed beef, mince stew, vegetable pot roast) in the  central restaurant in Qazvin University of Medical sciences in 2016. In this cross-sectional study, 150 food samples were evaluated based on the American Association for Standard Health Care (APHA) and the Food and Drug Standard (FDA) standard. The highest total count (TC) and Coli form count number were in thesoup in different seasons ) 6.20 ± 0.80 and 3.35 ± 0.32 Log10 cfu/g  respectively (. The highest percentage of Total count and E.coli, S. aureus and Salmonella were observed in cooked fish (13%), soup (58%), cooked fish (46%), respectively (P <0.05). in addition, seasonal comparison Showed that the Food samples collected in spring in comparison with seasons had the highest contaminated rate, but the mold count was in the lowest amount. Total count, coliform and yeast contamination between different food samples also showed significant differences (P <0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that microbial contamination of some foods offered at the restaurant in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences was above the standard limitation.

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