Assessment of Iron Fortiifiicatiion Inflluence on Organolleptiics and Physiico- Chemiicall Propertiies of Yogurt
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Innumerable percentage of the world population suffers from shortage of vitamins and mineralswhich is usually called malnutrition. Enough perception and access of such essential vitamins and mineralshave close relationship with eternity, physical and mental developments, good health, general welfare ofindividuals and societies. In this research, the fortification of yogurt with iron has been studied. The kinds ofiron used in this study include: FeCl3 (H2O)6, The whey protein-chelated iron (Fe-WP) and The Fe-Caseincomplex (Fe-CN) that each of them were evaluated in three quantities (10, 20 and 40 milligrams per onekilogram of milk). Then their chemical experiments and organoleptic specifications were studied after keeping21 days in refrigerator and their results were reported. Results showed that all of these iron compounds weresuitable for yogurt but two complexes of iron, including Fe-WP and Fe-CN, were better to be used.