Independent and Resilient: The Lives of Older Adults Living Solo in Cebu City

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Auda F. Russel, Jovito Danilo C. Nazareno, Analie G. Loga


The study focused on understanding the lived experiences of older adults who live alone in a community setting, providing valuable insights into their day-to-day lives, challenges, and coping mechanisms. Specifically, the research explored the experiences of elderly individuals aged 65 to 84 residing independently in Cebu City to identify the factors that contribute to their well-being. To achieve this, the study employed a descriptive phenomenological methodology, which is particularly suited for uncovering the deep, personal, and nuanced life experiences of individuals. This approach allowed the researchers to delve into the subjective realities of the elderly participants, capturing their perspectives on living alone and how they navigate their independence. In terms of participant selection, the study utilized a purposive sampling design in combination with snowball sampling techniques. Purposive sampling ensured that participants met specific, predefined criteria relevant to the research, such as being financially independent, living alone, and residing in a community setting in Cebu City. After the initial participants were chosen, they were asked to refer others who matched the same criteria, creating a snowball effect. This referral-based method continued until data saturation was reached, meaning no new significant information or themes emerged from additional participants. This method not only allowed for a diverse representation of older adults but also ensured that the data was comprehensive and reflective of the broader population of elderly individuals living independently in the area.

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