An Analytical Study of Ethical and Legal Issues in Creating Desinger Babies with Germline Gene Editing Technology

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Pushpa K H, Shampa I Dev


Genetic Engineering is self-contained to create a revolution that may lead to significant  ethical and legal issues considering its impact on human lives and possibly value system. It is likely to make more severe impact, if it is practiced without proper regulation. Genetic engineering or gene editing, in simple terms, is the direct manipulation  of  an  organism’s genes, to alter an organism’s characteristics in a particular way. While this technology  has   been known to scientists for a long time, it is the rapid development of  this  technology, through germ line gene editing, more specifically through  the  CRISPR-Cas9  technique,  which has taken over the world by storm. With the capacity to alter the genes of a human embryo, potentially removing all the genetic defects and  introducing  new  characteristics,  germ line gene editing is ushering in a brave new world. This brings to  the  focus  the  capability or in some cases, incapability of national and international law to regulate research into this unknown but welcome field. It definitely brings to light certain social, ethical and religious concerns surrounding genetic editing which could be passed from one generation to the other. The policies and guidelines framed by many  countries with respect to gene editing  are failing to keep up with the speed of advancement made in the field. In this research paper, author analyses the legal and regulatory framework applicable to germ line gene editing, with specific emphasis on its application to produce designer babies. Some of the pressing ethical and social issues that surface in context of producing designer babies is also analysed. A comparative analysis of the legal position on germ line gene editing adopted by USA, UK, China and Japan has also been undertaken.

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