Evaluation of Anti-Ulcer Studies of Extract of Polyherbal Plants Momordica Charantia [Karela] and Phyllanthus Emblica [Amla] in Albino Rats

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Shivani Kumari, Mrigendra Kumar Singh


Objectives: Momordica charantia and Phyllanthus emblica are well known plants having secondary metabolites which are responsible for different pharmacological activity. This study was aimed at evaluating the anti-ulcer effects of a polyherbal extract of Momordica charantia and Phyllanthus emblica in the Wistar albino rat.

 Methods: The plant materials were extracted with 100% methanol in soxhlet apparatus, and preliminary phytochemical screenings and TLC analysis of both plant extracts were carried out for the detection of secondary metabolites. Ibuprofen induced ulcer model was selected for study. Omeprazole 20 mg/kg was used as standard drug.

Results: The result obtained from the data revealed that, MCPE extract at dose of 500mg/kg has highest ulcer healing score (84.5%) as compared to Omeprazole 20mg/kg (78.1%) and MCPE 200mg/kg treated animals (69.1%). Histopathological examination shows the maximum ulcers with perforation in disease control group and minimum ulcer development was observed in MCPE extract treatment group.

Conclusions: Present study concluded that, a polyherbal mixture of Momordica charantia and Phyllanthus emblica extract at 500mg/kg dose level could be used for treatment of Peptic ulcers.

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