Creation and Assessment of the Transdermal Patch Containing Extracted CBD and its Anti-Inflammatory Qualities
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Introduction: The transdermal medication delivery system is a unique way to drug administration that overcomes the drawbacks of conventional dosing. The oral route of administration of 74% of medications may not be effective enough. One of the benefits of transdermal medicine administration is that it never causes discomfort. A biological reaction of the immune system, inflammation can be caused on by diseases, wounded cells, and toxic substances. Cannabis plants contain a non-intoxicating substance called CBD..
Objectives: The goal of this project was to create anti-inflammatory transdermal patches that would circumvent metabolism and solve every issue with traditional dosing forms..
Methods: In this study, a transdermal patch containing herbal Extracted medicinal Oil, such as CBD oil, was developed to alleviate inflammation and pain. Polymers and extracted CBD oil were combined to create transdermal patches by the solvent casting technique.
Results: The patches were assessed using physicochemical criteria, including pH, flatness, moisture absorption, drug content, thickness, folding endurance, physical appearance, and weight homogeneity. Additionally, an invitro drug release and stability study was conducted.
Conclusions: In comparison to other formulations, the P5 formulation also has a noticeable effect. Additional in-vitro dissolving research can verify this; the findings supported the notion that the dissolve rate was higher than for other patches.