A Pilot Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Integrated Community Based Nursing Interventions on Symptom Experience and Quality of Life Among Post Menopausal Women Residing in Selected Rural Areas of Bagalkot District.

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Jayashri G itti, Deelip S Natekar


Introduction: Menopause is when woman period stops permanently. Menopause is a normal part of a woman's life. It is sometimes called "the change of life." Menopause does not happen all at once. As woman body transitions to menopause over several years, may have menopause symptoms and irregular periods. Changes in woman body in the years around menopause may raise her risk for certain health problems. Low levels of estrogen and other changes related to aging (like gaining weight) can raise risk of heart diseasestroke, and osteoporosis.

Objectives: To assess the symptom experience and quality of life among postmenopausal women and to evaluate the effectiveness of Integrated Community Based Nursing Intervention by comparing post intervention scores of symptom experience and quality of life between the experimental and control group of postmenopausal women.

Methods: An evaluative true experimental approach with follow up of outcomes was adopted for the present study, using pre-test post-test control group design. Sample size comprises of 40 menopausal women i.e.  20 in experimental group and 20 in control group, residing in selected areas of Kadapati, Jamakandi taluk Bagalkot district. A non probability Purposive sampling techniques was used to select the samples for pilot study. The data was collected by using following tools. A structured questionnaire for assessing socio-demographic variables. Menopausal rating scale to assess the symptom experience of post menopausal women. WHO quality of life bref scale. The data was entered in MS excel sheet and transferred to SPSS 25 for analysis.

Results: Among 40 samples, majority of 12(60%) of the respondents belonged to the age group of 51-55 years and remaining 8(40%) of participants were belonged to age group of 45-50 years in experimental and control group. Majority 9(45%) were had primary education in experimental and control group. Majority 16(80%) were belonged to Hindu religion in experimental group 17(85%) were belonged to Hindu religion in control group. Majority 12(60%) were had one pregnancy in experimental group and 10(50%) were had one pregnancy in control group. The menopause symptom experience scores mean scores at the time pretest was 23.85, median was 23.50, mode was 12 with standard deviation ±8.33 and scores ranged between 12-38. Among the participants of Control group, the menopause symptom score mean was 23.35, median was 23.50; mode was 16 with standard deviation ±6.33 and scores ranged between 14-36. In pretest, majority 9 (45%) were had moderate level, 7(35%) were had severe level and remaining 4(20%) were had very severe level symptoms experience. After implementation of Integrated community based nursing intervention in post test I majority13 (65%) were had moderate level and 7(35%) were had mild level symptoms experience. Significance of difference in symptom experience scores was computed by paired t test value.The obtained value of ‘t’= 11.55(pretest to post test 1) with p value 0.001 is found significant; Among the Experimental group, the  quality of life scores mean scores at the time pretest was 73.35, median was 77, mode was 79 with standard deviation ±22.55 and scores ranged between 29-110. Among the participants of Control group, the quality of life score mean was 70.75, median was 72.50, mode was 69 with standard deviation ±19.19 and scores ranged between 34-106. In pretest, majority12 (60%) were had moderate level, 5(25%) were had poor level and remaining 3(15%) were had good level quality of life. In post test 1, majority 10(50%) were had moderate level, 6(30%) were had good level and remaining 4(20%) were had poor level quality of life In pretest and all posttests, majority 12(60%) were had moderate level, 6(30%) were had poor level and remaining 2(10%) were had good level quality of life.

Conclusions: After obtaining the result for the present study the researcher noticed that there was significant difference was found between symptom experience and quality of life among menopausal women after implementation of integrated community based nursing intervention. The Study Concluded that life style modification is necessary for menopausal women to lead a healthy life.

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