Formulation and Evaluation of Metformin Hydrochloride Tablet Using Natural Gum as a Binder

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Akanksha Singh, Saurav Ghoshal, Manoj Kumar Mishra


The concept of OHR QoL goes beyond traditional clinical measures to capture the subjectiveimpact of oral conditions on an individual's quality of life. Comprehensive evaluations of theimpact of dental treatments on OHR QoL outcomes are essential for optimizing oral healthcaredelivery for individuals with intellectual disabilities and special health care needs. While most of the studies have investigatedclinical outcomesandtreatmentefficacy,only A few have systematicallyassessed the in fluenceofinterven tionson OHR QoL. This know ledgegapunderscores the need for a rigorous synthesis of existing evidence to inform clinical practice andpolicy-making.

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