Modifiable Risk Factors Associated with Heel Pain in Indian Population – An Observational Study

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Kapilraj R, Venkatesh Kumar S, Rupali Dnyandeo Solankey, Irfan Umar C.P


Introduction: Heel pain, is a common complaint of many patients who requiring professional orthopedic care and are mostly suffering from chronic pain beneath their heels. The aim of this study is to study the modifying risk factors related to heel pain

Materials and Methods: This observational study is an analysis of all the common risk factors associated with heel pain to differentiate the modifying from the non- modifying factors that are associated with heel pain and to establish better patient care through gradual lifestyle changes in 200 patients between June 2021 to July 2022.

Result: Out of 200 patients 119 were female and 81 were males. The youngest patient of the study was 10 years of age and oldest being 55 years old. The Mean age was 30.5 years. We observed that the age group 31-40 years was commonly affected than others. The Right-side heel pain found to be most commonly involved in this study. We found maximum number of patients belonging to farmer, daily wage workers (labourers). We found maximum number of patients belonging to 25.0-29.9 kg/m2. The most common associated comorbidity in our patient was Hypothyroidism.

Conclusion: The identification and differentiation of the modifiable and non-modifiable demographic factors such as age, gender, side involvement, Body Mass Index (BMI) and occupation of the patient helps us to have a deep understanding of the disease and its further management resulting in establishing a better patient care.


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