Prevalence and Treatment of Malocclusion with Myofunctional Appliances and Partial Edentulism in Children of a Known Population.

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Praveen israji, Madhavi Naidu, Manan Shah, Tehmin Chou, Maj Dileep Kumar Pandit, V. N. Parameshwaran


Background: This study was conducted to assess the prevalence and treatment of malocclusion with myofunctional appliances and partial edentulism in children of a known population.

Material and methods: One hundred youngsters, ages ten to twenty, participated in this study. A complete oral examination was performed on each individual. Prior to beginning the operation, these subjects provided written informed consent. The children's ages were 14.2 years old on average. Software called SPSS was used to perform statistical analysis. After it was discovered that thirty children had class 2 malocclusion, appliances called activators and bionators were made specifically for them.

Results: In this study, it was found that out of 100 participants, 70 had partial edentulism and 30 subjects had class 2 malocclusion. The subjects who had a few of their teeth missing got fixed partial dentures. And in the subjects having class 2 malocclusion, activator was given in 14 subjects and in the remaining 16 subjects, bionator was given.

Conclusion: The subjects having class 2 malocclusion had been managed with myofunctional appliances like activator and bionator and the subjects with partial edentulism had been managed with fixed partial dentures.

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