Comparative Analysis of Geological Disposal and Purpose-Built Storage Solutions for Safe Radioactive Waste Management

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Răzvan Bogdan Itu, Mihaela Toderaș, Alexandra Șoica


Introduction: Radioactive waste management is a critical aspect of nuclear activities, necessitating safe handling, storage, and disposal to minimize environmental and human health impacts. This paper explores the comparative effectiveness of geological disposal versus purpose-built storage facilities for radioactive waste, highlighting the stages of waste management and addressing key safety considerations.

Objectives: The primary objectives are to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of geological disposal compared to purpose-built storage facilities, and to identify the optimal solution for safe radioactive waste storage that accounts for both anthropogenic and environmental factors.

Methods: The study involves a detailed analysis of radioactive waste management stages, including collection, characterization, treatment, conditioning, intermediate storage, and final disposal. A comparative risk analysis of geological disposal and purpose-built storage facilities is conducted using modelling software and finite element analysis. Exclusion criteria for geological formations and design considerations for storage facilities are also examined.

Results: Geological disposal offers long-term isolation with minimal maintenance but poses challenges in waste retrieval and geological stability. Purpose-built storage facilities provide flexibility and enhanced monitoring capabilities but require continuous maintenance and carry higher risks of operational failures. The modelling results suggest that purpose-built facilities can be adapted for various waste types and quantities, emphasizing the importance of engineered barriers and robust safety measures.

Conclusions: The decision between geological disposal and purpose-built storage depends on balancing long-term safety, environmental impact, and practical feasibility. While geological disposal relies on natural stability, purpose-built facilities depend on engineering controls and ongoing maintenance. Comprehensive risk analysis, technological advancements, and continuous monitoring are crucial for optimizing radioactive waste management strategies, ensuring safety, and allowing future waste handling and retrieval flexibility.

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