Effectiveness of Tailored Interventions on Maternal Outcomes among Antenatal Mothers.

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G.sathiyabama , S .Kalabarathi ,Nidhisharm



Antenatal mothers (AM) who are obese face specific considerations and potential risks associated with pregnancy. BMI of more than 30 or higher is considered obese, and it can have implications for both the mother and the developing baby. gestational diabetes, pre eclampsia blood clots, and high possibility of cesarean delivery .These complications can impact both the mother's health and the outcome of the pregnancy.

  Objectives: The study aims to find the effect of a structured yoga and  exercise intervention on selected maternal outcomes among antenatal mothers.

To assess and compare the pre and posttest levels of physiological parameters (BMI,Blood pressure, FHR) among antenatal mothers during antenatal period within and between the control and experimental group

Methods: Tailored   intervention Yoga and   antenatal exercise on  maternal outcomes  measured. The samples were easily chosen by means of consecutive sampling. they were divided into four groups, each with 33 samples: control (CN), yoga group (YG), antenatal exercise group (EG), and yoga and antenatal exercise group (YAE). The CN collective had standard care, the YG and EG groups got prenatal exercise and yoga intervention At the conclusion of the fourth, eighth, twelve, and sixteen weeks, BMI, the AMs' blood pressure, and FHR were measured. The groups received their respective treatment 2 days a week for 16 consecutive weeks. which showed that the YAE group subjects performed significantly better than the YG, EG, and CN groups in all temporal outcomes s (P.0.001).

Results: The  mean arterial pressure (MAP )was significantly reduced consistently throughout the intervention period except for the posttest 3 vs posttest 2 period (p=0.199) in YEG. The other two groups did not showed such

Conclusions: The study concluded that tailored interventions  Yoga and antenatal exercise will be more beneficial in normalizing BMI, BP, and FHR among Antenatal Mothers

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