Digital Agriculture: Integration of Big Data and Precision Technology for Crop-Improvement

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Saumya Agrawal, Sumedha Mohan, Kusuma Kumari Panda


This review paper analyses the revolutionary potential of big data analysis in modern agriculture, discussing its consequences, problems, and future possibilities. The incorporation of big data technologies into agricultural techniques has heralded a new era of precision farming, characterized by increased production, sustainability, and resilience. The study demonstrates how big data is altering farming methods around the world by conducting a comprehensive examination of diverse technologies such as autonomous cars, drone-based sensors, and satellite imaging, as well as unique crop development strategies. However, despite its possibilities, the use of big data in agriculture faces numerous hurdles, ranging from data privacy concerns to technical complications and budgetary limits. Despite these challenges, the paper offers promising future directions, suggesting for collaboration, standardization, and investment in innovative technologies to fully fulfil the potential of data-driven farming. By implementing these ideas and promoting inclusive, sustainable practices, stakeholders may negotiate the difficulties of contemporary agriculture and pave the way for a more efficient, resilient, and successful future.

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