Management of Furcal Perforation Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Endo Microscope-A Case Report

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Shubham Tripathi, Pallav Mahesh Patni, Pradeep Jain, Swadhin Raghuwanshi, Sanket Hans Pandey, Rahul Vaswani


Furcal perforations are challenging complications in endodontics, often resulting from insufficient knowledge and magnification. They rank as a common cause of treatment failures. Successful management depends on factors like size, location, and timing of repair, as well as the patient's dental health history. Magnification tools, such as dental operating microscopes, have improved precision in diagnosing and repairing these perforations. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA), known for its sealing ability and biocompatibility, is particularly beneficial when combined with magnification. We present a case of a challenging furcal perforation repair in a mandibular molar using MTA, demonstrating successful 18-month follow-up healing. This case highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis, precise repair, MTA usage, and magnification for effective furcal perforation management in endodontics.

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