Hematological Changes in the Platelet Apheresis Donors - An Observational Study

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Anjali Sharma, Satish Arakeri, Rahul Kanungo, Sajal Pagi


Introduction: The demand for platelet concentrates is increasing for treating patients in clinics such as oncology. Single Donor Platelets (SDPs) collected through apheresis offer a lower risk of transfusion-related complications.

Objectives: This observational study aims to evaluate hematological changes in donors before and after platelet donation via apheresis, shedding light on donor safety and eligibility criteria.

Methods: This pilot study included 30 plateletpheresis procedures carried out between August and October 2023, with all participants providing informed consent. Donors underwent comprehensive screening, which assessed medical history, hematological parameters, and infectious disease markers. The procedures were conducted using the Trima Accel cell separator, following both standard operating procedures and manufacturer guidelines. Detailed records of donor information and procedural specifics, including hematological values and platelet yield, were meticulously maintained. To ensure donor safety, prophylactic oral calcium was administered, and any adverse reactions were promptly managed in accordance with departmental protocols.

Results: All donors were male, with an age range of 18-45 years. Blood group distribution among donors was O+ve (12), A+ve (6), B+ve (5), AB+ve (4), B-ve (1), O-ve (1), and AB-ve (1). The mean fall in platelet count after donation was 50,833/mm3. The overall mean fall in hematocrit was 1.16%, with a range of 0.5-2%. For donors with a platelet yield of 3.0x1011, the average hematocrit reduction was 1.13%, whereas for donors with a yield of 3.5x1011, the reduction was 1.56%.

Conclusions: Automated cell separators have significantly improved SDP quality and collection efficiency. The correlation between platelet yield and pre-donation platelet count underlines the importance of personalizing collection parameters.

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