Use of Occupational Therapy Intervention on Psychosocial Well-Being and its Impact on Quality of Life Among Pediatric Cancer Survivors – A Case Study

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Loganathan S – M.O.T (Neuro), Raghuram P – M.O.T (Paed), T Sundaresan – M.O.T (Rehab), Uvanthiga E – B.O.T.


Introduction: Cancer is the greatest cause of death among children and adolescents. Childhood cancer survival rates are higher than ever before, because of advancements in cancer detection and treatment. Children with cancer may experience an adverse effect on the psychological well‐being such as decreased self‐esteem and increased risk for depression, that can adversely affect their quality of life. Occupational Therapy provides client-cantered intervention to improve the psychosocial well-being and quality of life among pediatric cancer survivors.

Objectives: The objectives of the study are to find out the effect of Occupational Therapy intervention in reducing the anxiety and depression and in improving the self-esteem and thereby analysing the impact of quality of life among pediatric cancer survivors.

Methods: This single case study was conducted with the permission of the Ethical Committee. The survivors visiting the Department of Paediatric Oncology (Outpatient), Sri Ramachandra Hospital was screened for the selection criteria. The sample was selected based on the selection criteria and the consent to participate in the study. After explaining the study, the doubts were cleared regarding the study and the assent form was obtained. After obtaining the assent form from the parent the sample was selected for the Tailor-made Occupational Therapy Intervention. The pre-test was administered using the outcome measure. The tailor-made Occupational Therapy intervention was planned and administered. After completing the intervention session, the post-test was administered. The result was obtained by comparing the pre-test and post-test scores.

Results: The result of this study revealed that Occupational Therapy Psychosocial Intervention showed a significant reduction in the depression, anxiety level and showed improvement in the self-esteem and quality of life among Pediatric Cancer Survivors.

Conclusions: The study concludes that Occupational Therapy is useful in improving the Psychosocial Well-Being and Quality of Life among Pediatric Cancer Survivors through tailor-made intervention. We Occupational Therapy provides intervention for Psychosocial Well-Being which improves the Quality of Life among Pediatric Cancer Survivors.

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