Impact of Occupational Therapy Management to Reduce the Severity Level and Enhance the Quality of Life for Post- Menopausal Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence-A Case Study

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Loganathan S – M.O.T (Neuro), Raghuram P – M.O.T (Paed), T.Sundaresan – M.O.T (Rehab), Kaviya D – B.O.T.


Introduction: International Continence Society has defined urinary incontinence as the involuntary loss of urine which may lead to social or hygiene problem and also affects the quality of women’s lives at various stages of life. Stress urinary incontinence is defined by the international continence society (ICS) as “The complaint of any involuntary loss of urine an effort or physical exertion” or on sneezing or coughing. Though urinary incontinence is not life threatening it will affect the individual’s confidence level to indulge in physical and social activities which may lead to social isolation. 

Objectives: The objective of the study is to evaluate the Severity Level and the Quality of Life for women with Stress Urinary Incontinence and to determine the Impact of Occupational Therapy Management in Reducing the Severity level  and  in enhancing the Quality of   Life for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Methods: A single case study was conducted   in the Department of Occupational Therapy, SRIHER. The participant was briefly explained about the study. Subjects who met the inclusion criteria was been included in the study using Purposive Sampling and gave their written informed consent. Before the commencement of Intervention Pre –test scores for the severity level and Quality of life were assessed. Participant undergone Occupational Therapy Management for 12 sessions. At the end of the 12th session, Post-test scores were assessed. The Pre-test and Post -test scores were compared for the results.


Results: The Results shows that there was a reduction in the score of International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Quality of Life Module (ICIQ-LUT Sqol) which is used to assess the Quality of Life and the post- test Severity levels have markedly reduced when compared with pre-test scores.

Conclusions: Occupational Therapy Management for Post-Menopausal with Stress Urinary Incontinence is effective in improving the Quality of Life and reducing the Severity Level

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