The Efficacy of Digital Application to Improve Muscle Strength Rehabilitation in Adult Post-Stroke: Pilot Study

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Rinawati Kasrin, Faridah Mohd Said, Tukimin Sansuwito, Yendrizal Jafri, Wenny Lazdia


Pathophysiologically about stroke occurs as a result of ischemia or hemorrhage on cerebral blood vessels which contributes to mortality rates and high morbidity. The results of studies in the field of neurology state that stroke is the number one cause of death in various hospitals in the country. The post-stroke can be regarded as the most difficult time for patients, they will experience a disability and inability to move as usual so they will have difficulty in self-care. In reality there are many barriers for stroke survivors to access rehabilitation. There is way to overcome their problems in rehabilitation is through technological innovation with telerehabilitation base on digital applications. The use of digital technology has changed various aspects of human life, including in the field of health. Based on this gap, this study aims to explore various approaches to increase the effectiveness of muscle strength rehabilitation programs post-strokes. Type of research in this study was experiment design. The use of digital application explored through Quasi Experiment method using the equivalent group experimental design (randomized pretest-posttest with control group). The study involved 40 respondents divided for an intervention group has 20 respondents and 20 control group. Data processing quantitative analysis using univariate, bivariate analysis methods (Mann-Whitney U Test, Chi-Square test). Research results by statistical tests found that the intervention group p-value was 0.001<0.05 and the control group p-value 0.001<0.05 and with independent test results mean difference is 0.15. Based on the results of the study showed that digital application and modul rehabilitation had effect for increasing muscle strength. To improve muscle strength rehabilitation in post-stroke adults more efficacy in the intervention group using digital applications than the control group using modules. This result shows that there is an increase in the progress of post-stroke adult muscle strength rehabilitation using digital applications.

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