Effect of Varying Etching Times on the Bond Strength of Ceramic Brackets

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Rahul Paul, Deepti Yadav, Ish Kumar Sharma, Mudita Gupta, Parul Kotwal, Akshita Arya


Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of varying etching times on the bond strength of ceramic brackets.

Material and methods: Samples of 30 extracted teeth were taken from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Inderprastha Dental College & Hospital, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, according to the inclusion criteria. A thorough examination of the teeth was done to rule out any damage or malformation. The teeth were cleansed and then polished with non-fluoridated pumice using rubber prophylactic cups for 10 seconds. The teeth were divided into three groups of 10 and placed in an acrylic base.

Results: The shear bond strength descriptive statistics for the three etching groups are outlined in Table I. The analysis of variance results indicates statistically significant differences (p = 0.000) in bond strengths among the various etching groups. The application of Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT), also known as Duncan's new multiple range test, which is a test used in statistical analysis to determine significant differences between multiple group; revealed that the bond strengths of the 5-second etching group were significantly lower compared to the 15- second group and the 15-second group had slightly lower bond strength than 30-second group. The bond failure location between different samples and etching groups was determined using the ARI (Adhesive Remnant Index). The frequency of ARI scores for each etching group and the results of the Chi-square test comparing the groups are presented in Table II. The Chi-square test revealed significant differences among the ARI scores of the three groups. However, when excluding the 5-second etching groups from the comparison, the remaining groups, namely the 15- and 30-second etching groups, did not exhibit significant differences in ARI scores (x^2 = 0.211).

Conclusion: The findings of the study present a significant evidence, suggesting that a reduction in the etching time by half, from 30 to 15 seconds, can still yield clinically useful bond strength. The bond shear strength values in all three groups fall within the clinically acceptable range of 5.9–7.8 MPa. Even with a shorter etching time, like in Group I, the bond strength meets orthodontic requirements. However, the substantial increase in bond shear strength in Group II and Group III suggests that longer etching times could enhance bond strength, particularly when extra strength is needed.

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