Hypothetical Impact of AI on Human Evolution: Will AI Lead to Superhuman Ascent or Homo habilis Regression? Exploring the Role of Spiritual Wisdom and Practices

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Dr. Shoebul Haque, Dr. Farah Asif, Dr. Debendra Suman, Dr. Praveen Katiyar, Prof. Amod Kumar Sachan, Prof. Rakesh Kumar Dixit


In an era of rapid technological advancement, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into daily life raises profound questions about its potential effects on human evolution. This review examines the hypothetical impact of AI on human physiology and cognition, drawing insights from Darwinian theory and exploring the role of spirituality in navigating this complex terrain.

Darwinian theory provides a framework for understanding how AI-induced changes in the environment may influence the traits favored by natural selection over time. While AI holds promise for enhancing cognitive abilities and physical capabilities, there are concerns about its potential negative effects on human health and well-being.

The review considers various physiological and cognitive implications of AI, including its impact on the brain, cardiovascular system, kidney health, stress levels, reproductive health, bone health, respiratory function, liver function, and muscle mass. Sedentary behavior, stress, poor dietary habits, disrupted sleep patterns, and social isolation are identified as key factors contributing to adverse health outcomes associated with AI use.

The review also explores the potential role of spirituality in alleviating the negative effects of AI and fostering human flourishing.

In conclusion, while AI has the potential to enhance human capabilities, its impact on human evolution is uncertain and complex. The future trajectory of human evolution will depend on a multitude of factors, including technological advancements, environmental changes, social dynamics, and individual choices. By embracing the positive role of spirituality, humanity can cultivate a future where AI advancements are aligned with our highest values, promoting individual well-being, collective flourishing, and the preservation of our evolutionary heritage.

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