Reproductive Health Status and Pregnancy Outcomes Among Nurses in Southern India

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Meera D.K


The study conducted in Southern India delves into the reproductive health challenges faced by 500 registered female nurses (25-45yrs) in government and private hospitals located in Thiruvananthapuram. It primarily examines the regularity of menstrual cycles and prevalent gynecological issues through purposive sampling. The findings reveal that a significant proportion of nurses, comprising 74% in government hospitals and 84.8% in private facilities, maintain regular menstrual cycles. However, various gynecological problems such as infertility, hysterectomy, breast and ovarian cancers, early menopause, bleeding disorders, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and PCOD are prevalent among them, with a higher prevalence observed in the private sector. Furthermore, the study investigates the potential impact of shift work on reproductive outcomes, though no substantial associations were found, contrasting with findings from other studies. Despite this, the study underscores the pressing need to address the reproductive health concerns of nurses in Southern India. It emphasizes the significance of understanding both the regularity of menstrual cycles and the prevalence of gynecological issues. Further research is deemed essential to comprehensively grasp and address the reproductive health needs of nurses in the region. Such endeavors aim to promote their overall well-being and quality of life, thereby enhancing their effectiveness in healthcare delivery.

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