USFDA Regulatory Oversight of Medical Device Recalls

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Priyamala Avchar, Girish Kashid, Rahul Chormale, Akshada Dayma, Kalyani Mankar


Medical device recalls in the US, as overseen by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are essential components of the regulatory framework designed to guarantee the efficaciousness and safety of medical equipment supplied. A summary of the US medical device recall procedure is given in brief by this paper. The FDA's recall system is a crucial mechanism for identifying and addressing issues related to medical devices that pose risks to patients or fail to meet regulatory standards. Recalls can be initiated voluntarily by the manufacturer or mandated by the FDA when a device is found to be in violation of regulations or when a potential health hazard is identified. This study outlines the key elements of a medical device recall, including the various classes of recall, various reasons for the device recall, the roles and responsibilities of manufacturer and the FDA, and the communication and notification procedures for the recall. And also discuss about the 510k approved device recall frequency than PMA approved device recall. 

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