Lipid Nanoparticles for RNA Therapeutics Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

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Hrishav Das Purkayastha, Gunjan Sharma, Sachin Verma, Harsh Rastogi


Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) have emerged as promising vehicles for the delivery of RNA therapeutics, offering efficient and versatile platforms to overcome the challenges associated with RNA delivery. This review provides a comprehensive overview of recent advances and future perspectives in the field of LNPs for RNA therapeutics. The fundamentals of LNPs, including their composition, properties, and mechanisms of RNA delivery, are discussed, highlighting their importance in the field of RNA therapeutics. Recent advances in LNP development are explored, including strategies to enhance delivery efficiency, improve RNA encapsulation and stability, and achieve targeted and tissue-specific delivery. Moreover, the review examines the applications of LNPs in various RNA-based therapies, including mRNA-based vaccines and protein replacement therapies, siRNA-based gene silencing, miRNA-based regulation of gene expression, and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing. Challenges and future perspectives in LNP research are also addressed, including scalability and manufacturing challenges, safety concerns and regulatory considerations, and future directions in LNP research such as advanced delivery systems, personalized medicine, and combination therapies. Overall, this review highlights the significant progress made in the field of LNPs for RNA therapeutics and underscores their potential to revolutionize the treatment of human diseases.

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