Predictive Modeling of the Probability of Developing Periodontal Diseases in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

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Muratova Saodat Kadirovna, Shukurova Nodira Tillayevna, Baratov Bobur, Teshayev Shoxjahon


Currently, the forecast of the development of pathology is an important part of all branches of healthcare. [3,4,5]. However, despite the importance and scientific and practical significance of forecasting in dentistry, at present we have not found information about predictive models of individual risk of developing periodontitis in patients with hypertension.

In these conditions, individual assessment and prediction of the risk of developing periodontitis in patients with cardiovascular failure is relevant. Such studies will serve as the basis for identifying patients at high risk of developing periodontal diseases, grouping them for the purpose of dental monitoring and implementing measures to neutralize the negative consequences of periodontal diseases on the course of cardiovascular failure. The need to solve this problem served as the basis for conducting this study.

The goal is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a model for individual prediction of the risk of developing periodontitis in patients with cardiovascular failure.

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