Sustainable Sources and Extraction Methods of Calcium for Expanding Dietary Supplement Sector

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Rushesh P. Pahune, Vaishnavi J. Jaiswal, Omkar V. Tekade, Vinita V. Kale, Milind J. Umekar


Introduction: Calcium is a critical mineral essential for various physiological functions, including blood coagulation, nerve transmission, and skeletal health. While dairy has traditionally been the primary source of calcium, recent research emphasizes the importance of diversifying calcium sources through diet and supplements. This study aims to explore different techniques for extracting calcium from natural sources other than dairy source.

Objectives: This study seeks to consolidate knowledge on calcium extraction methods from a range of natural sources. It specifically investigates various sources rich in calcium, such as seaweed, mollusc shells, marine organisms, fish bones, animal bones, eggshells, and limestone.

Methods: The study conducts a comprehensive review of literature on calcium-rich sources and extraction techniques. It examines existing methods and technologies utilized for extracting calcium from different natural sources, providing insights into the effectiveness and practicality of each approach.

Results: By analyzing various extraction techniques, this study contributes to advancing efficient and eco-friendly methods of obtaining calcium from different natural sources. The findings aim to expand our understanding of available calcium sources and optimize extraction processes for practical applications, including nutraceutical production and broader environmental and agricultural uses.

Conclusions: To conclude, the study aims to promote innovative approaches to calcium extraction that support health, sustainability, and economic viability. 

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