Single Tooth Immediate Implant Placement in Anterior Maxilla: Case Report

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Rasika Avinash Kulkarni, Ashlesha Marathe, Mohit.V. Patil, Abhishek Bagul, Girish Nazirkar, Saee Prasad Adawadkar


The concept of dental implant for rehabilitation of edentulous patient has become one of the predominant treatment modality in modern dentistry. Successful treatment outcome of restored oral implants depends on the placement and architecture of surrounding hard and soft tissues. The importance of timing or the fourth dimension of tooth extraction and implant placement was described by Funato et al.1It is classified as:

  • Class I: Immediate – extraction, immediate implant placement flapless or with a flap and osseous augmentation with GBR and ct graft.

  • Class II: Early implant placement (6-8 weeks) – GBR can be performed at the moment of the extraction or when the implant will be placed

  • Class III: Delayed Implant placement4 to 6 months after the extraction with the preservation of the alveolar ridge with GBR as well soft tissue augmentation.

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