Current Aspects of Design, Optimization, Quality Control Sterilization, and Packaging of Medical Devices

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Dhatri T N, Gowtham A, Haridhar K, Chandan C, Jeyaprakash M R


Medical devices (MD) play a crucial role in healthcare and they are indispensable assets in healthcare, facilitating precise diagnostics and timely treatments. MD design is a challenging procedure that requires knowledge of healthcare laws and regulations. These are sterilized to prevent contamination. To guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the product, Container Closure Integrity and Extractactables & Leachable testing is carried out at the final phases of MD packaging development. This review article has discussed the importance of the design of MDs, a well-functioning MD's Quality Management System should include Design Control measures, a quality control process, and the steps to assess the reliability of MDs by following these guidelines, manufacturers can help to ensure the safety and effectiveness of their products, sterilization, and packaging of MDs. The intricate interplay between these elements within the healthcare industry underscores their paramount importance, as we navigate to the era of rapid technological advancements and growing demands for safer and more effective MDs, a comprehensive understanding of these topics becomes increasingly vital. To ensure the continued improvement of patient safety, optimization of healthcare services, and seamless compliance with the regulatory standards, stakeholders must prioritize harmonizing quality management, Design Control, and reliability assessment. As we move forward, it is clear that collaborative efforts among manufacturers, healthcare professionals, regulatory bodies, and researchers will be indispensable in shaping the future of MD innovation, quality, and reliability. This review serves as a foundation upon which the quality and safety of MD benefit patients worldwide.

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