A Comparative Study on Utilization of Ayurveda Treatment

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Anjali Yadav, Deepal Agarwal


The ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda, which emphasizes individualization of healthcare, has recently become popular across the world. However, there are differences in how it is used, with some people incorporating it fully into their life and others remaining suspicious or ignorant of its advantages. We created a questionnaire for this cross-sectional study and then piloted, revised, and validated it. The general population was given the opportunity to respond to this survey in one of three formats: online, in print, and through phone. The study's participants were chosen based on a set of criteria set in advance. Five hundred replies were chosen for this study, and among those, 48% did not practice Ayurveda while 52% did. According to the results, most people who have tried Ayurveda report feeling happy with the results. The results of this research add refinement to our knowledge of Ayurveda's role in modern healthcare and shed light on how to facilitate its incorporation across a variety of healthcare settings.

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