A Comprarative Study of Rubber Band Ligation Versus Open Excisional Haemorrhoidectomy in Treatment of Second Degree Haemorrhoids
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Introduction: Hemorrhoids have been documented in medical literature going back thousands of years. The oldest known record is from an Egyptian papyrus from 1700 BC, which dates to about 2250 BC. Hippocrates records the first surgical excision, which took place in 460 BC, in his Hippocratic treatises.
Aims: to assess the variations in death and morbidity between rubber band ligation and open excisional hemorrhoidectomy for second-degree hemorrhoids.
Materials and method: Patients with second degree hemorrhoid presenting at the Department of Surgery (both OPD and emergency), CNMCAH. Approximately 100 in number (50 for each group) 5. Sample design: Non-randomized divided into two groups.
Result: In our study, 82 patients had at least one co-morbidity: 4 (22.22%) had DM, 4 (22.22%) had COPD, 6 (33.33%) had HTN, 1 (5.56%) had IHD, 1 (5.56%) had Palor, and two (11.11%) had PREG.
Conclusion: In treating second-degree hemorrhoids, our research indicates that rubber band ligation has certain advantages over open excisional hemorrhoidectomy.