Clinical Leadership And Digital Technology In Indonesia: A Literature Review

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Clinical leadership is critical in realizing health services quality. Digital technology in healthcare is growing rapidly, so various service processes have widely used it. Clinical leadership has six attributes: specialist skills, collaborative, transformative, innovative, empowerment, vision, and team building. Furthermore, hospitals in Indonesia still need to catch up to South East Asia (SEA) and worldwide standards regarding quality, and clinical leadership is one of the backbones of realizing it. This literature study examined clinical leadership and digital technology in Indonesia.

The nine influences of digital technology on leadership in health services include transformative, knowledge orientation, innovation and vision, competence oriented, supportive, responsible, strategic oriented, strong and effective, and digital technology oriented. The service quality results approach to clinical leadership adds attributes of clinical leadership behavior that still need to be revised with digital technology oriented. Unfortunately, only a few studies discuss clinical leadership in Indonesia, and it has not yet covered the overall attributes of clinical leadership. Thirty-five articles on healthcare leadership which correspond to 28 articles on clinical leadership, were found. They mostly discuss collaboration attributes in 12 articles, and no team building, visionary and digital technology-oriented aspects were found. Clinical leadership continues to develop according to challenges, and achieving the best service quality must be presented so clinical leadership efforts continue to be developed in Indonesia.

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