Optimizing Outcomes: Case Reports Highlighting the Strategic Choice of Frenectomy Techniques.

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Ganesh R Nandnavare, Anup R Cholepatil, Niraj Choudhary, Nisha C Salvi, Shifa Qureshi, Omkar I Diwatepatil


Introduction: The frenum, an inconspicuous yet highly significant fold of mucous membrane that attaches the lips and cheeks to the alveolar region mucosa, exemplifies the intricate interplay between form and function, ultimately dictating oral health. Indications for frenectomy An aberrant frenal position responsible for midline diastema or recurrence of it. Presence of wide thick tissue and due to which bone defect is present. Inadequate attached gingiva, gingival recession and shallow vestibule. Interfering with oral hygiene maintenance.
Objectives: To elucidate the intricacies of the frenectomy procedure, encompassing crucial considerations and nuances that warrant meticulous attention during the surgical intervention.

Conclusion: The presented case reports, supported by three-month follow-up assessments, underscore the attainment of favorable healing outcomes. Notably, the Z plasty technique emerges as a promising frontrunner in frenum management, owing to its intrinsic advantages rooted in tissue flap transposition, which uniformly distributes tissue tension throughout the healing process. This renders it particularly valuable in scenarios involving orthodontic relapse, further enhancing its clinical significance and applicability.

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