Pathophysiological understanding of Mutravaha strota dushti W.S.R. to the Chronic Kidney Disease

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Ashutosh Kumar Jain, Smita Dutta Paul, Bharat Lal Thakur


Mutravaha srotas and Srotogata Vikaras are the urine system and diseases, respectively, that are considered paramount in Ayurveda. In addition to maintaining a steady internal fluid balance, the kidneys detoxify the body by excreting waste materials in urine. Disease symptoms include things like an increase or decrease in urine output, painful maturation, the creation of stones and subsequent obstruction of maturation, an increase or reduction in the frequency of micturition, and so on. When it comes to urinary system diseases, there are a lot of herbs that may help. Each plant has its own unique activity. Mutrasangrahaneeya refers to pharmaceuticals that decrease the increased flow of pee, while Mutravirechaneeya describes drugs that enhance the flow of urine, such as Jambu, Amrasthi, and similar substances. Drugs such as Padma, Utpala, and others are known as Mutravirajaneeya dravyas, and they give urine a normal hue. In order to eliminate calculi, asmarighna dravyas dissolve them in the urine. When administered correctly, these dravyas alleviate the discomfort and lethargy brought on by the illness.

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