Evaluation of Mental Foramen and Frequency of Anterior Looping Using Cone Beam Computed Tomograghy (CBCT): A Retrospective Study
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Aim: To evaluate position,size,shape of mental foramen and frequency of anterior looping.
Objectives: To evaluate various observation of Mental Foramen,to evaluate the age group and sex on the location,size,shape of the Mental Foramen and frequency of anterior Loop using CBCT.
Material And Methods: 160 CBCT scan,divided into Males and Females between age groups 20 to 60yrs
Results: Revealed Mental Foramen commonly located at Position 4, The average MF height was 2.2 mm(ranges from 1.0- 4.2mm) and male have higher values then female,distance A observed 6.59mm,Distance B observed 13.29mm,Distance C12.37 mmcommonly seen shape of mental foramen is round.and frequency of anterior looping ranges from 7.3-13% of cases.
Conclusion: Position of mental foramen predominantly apical to the long axis of the second premolar Average mental foramen size and distance C are higher in men with frequency of anterior looping 7.3-13%.