Evaluation of Fingerprint Visualization on Various Soft Surfaces

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Chumber Shekhar, Nigah Sobal


Aim:Evaluation of Fingerprint Visualization on Various Soft Surfaces.

Materials and methods: Five distinct soft surfaces with varying compositions were considered in the research. The prints were preserved by drying them afterwards. Every time an imprint was made of the right thumb, it was dried and cleaned. An ink-on-paper control print and an iPhone picture were both used. The samples were then examined using Video Spectral Comparator.

Results:The images were instantly made visible after the first fingerprinting deposit. It was impossible to determine how long it would take for the caulking to dry, thus the surface was not consistent. It had a thick texture and a white tone. Oblique and transmitted light both revealed it. Optimal viewing of the clay surface print was achieved in the post-deposit oblique left light.

Conclusion: The VSC is effective on most surfaces, although gel lifters are more suited to surfaces that can hold moisture. Techniques that visualize fingerprints on various surfaces have not been the subject of considerable study. The composition and kind of materials used determine the assessment.

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