Protective Effect of Rutin on Cognition Impairment Caused by Levetiracetam.

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Shagun Dubey Upadhyay, Asmita Dwivedi, Napeesha Mansoori, Pakharsh Goyal, Joycee Jogi


Objective: To investigate how levetiracetam and rutin, as opposed to levetiracetam and piracetam, affects mice's ability to control their seizures and their cognitive and motor abilities.

Materials and Methods: Utilizing the increasing current electroshock seizure (ICES) test, levetiracetam and piracetam's combined effect on convulsions was assessed. While motor capabilities were screened utilizing a rolling roller equipment and counting the number of arm entries on a plus maze, cognitive functions in mice were evaluated by means of spontaneous alternation in behavior on a plus maze. The Ellman et al. method was used to quantify the activity of brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE).

Results: The research demonstrated that rutin, when given in addition to levetiracetam, dramatically reversed the drug's lowering of spontaneous alternation without affecting levetiracetam's effectiveness against In both short-term and long-term research, ICES. Moreover, it undid the rise in AChE activity brought on by levetiracetam.

Conclusion: In summary, rutin mitigated the cognitive deficit brought on by levetiracetam while maintaining its antiepileptic effectiveness.


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