Effect of Nano Hydroxyapatite and Platelet Rich Fibrin in Savaging Mesiobuccal Root of Maxillary First Pre- Molar Through Bone Grafting and Root Amputation: A Case Report.
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The purpose of this study is to analyse the benefits of using Nano hydroxyapatite and Platelet Rich Fibrin in saving mesiobuccal root of maxillary first pre- molar. A 29-year-old patient who had completely destroyed the buccal root of tooth number 14 was referred for advice by the Department of Periodontology because he was unwilling to have it extracted. The patient's steadfast desire to keep the tooth was a challenge that inspired us to modify the standard procedures. atypical approaches were needed to handle the case due to its atypical presentation and the unanticipated state of the surgical site. Despite having Grade I mobility, tooth number 14 underwent endodontic treatment, buccal root resection, nanohydroxyapatite graft, platelet rich fibrin, and free gingival grafting to cover the surgical site. At three months and six months interval, the tooth survived, its movement decreased, and the full root coverage operation with soft tissue was seen. Therefore, this case report explains how to rescue a maxillary first premolar recession defect with furcation involvement using an integrated, interdisciplinary strategy that includes root resection, endodontics, and a complex perioplastic surgical procedure.