A Cross Sectional Study Evaluating the Knowledge, Practices and Attitude of The General Population on Antibiotic Use

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Neha Sharma, Prof Saurabh Kohli, Prof Jayanti Semwal, Dr Nikku Yadav


Assessing knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) towards antibiotic use in the general population is indeed crucial in the fight against antibiotic resistance. This step-by-step guide provides a comprehensive framework for conducting such evaluations. By clearly defining objectives and conducting a thorough literature review, researchers can pinpoint gaps in understanding and design effective studies. The present study has been designed, development of a well-structured questionnaire, and careful sampling ensure the study's validity and representativeness. Data collection, analysis, and interpretation allow for meaningful insights into public perceptions and behaviors regarding antibiotics. Ultimately, the study should yield actionable recommendations for interventions and awareness campaigns, contributing to responsible antibiotic use. Ethical considerations, expert involvement, and follow-up assessments further enhance the study's credibility and impact. Sharing findings with relevant stakeholders ensures that the research contributes to informed decision-making and public health efforts in combatting antibiotic resistance.

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