Assessment of Role of Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer in the Reconstruction of Extensive Insertional Achilli’s Tendinopathy.

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Shivam Lawand, Santosh Takale, Ravindra Gunaki


Insertrional Achilles tendinopathy represents a degenerative malady entwined with incapacitating posterior heel distress, ambulatory dysfunction, and substantial morbidity. The objective of this forward-looking investigation was to scrutinize the ramifications ensuing from the total excision of the pathological tendo-Achilles segment in geriatric subjects with pervasive entanglement. Additionally, the endeavour involved the reconstruction of the resultant flaw through the implementation of an adapted methodology, conceived to facilitate premature weight-bearing and rehabilitation. Over 19.8 months, AOFAS scores improved significantly (62.8 ± 7.92 to 95.7 ± 1.43, p < 0.001). Eight participants had complete pain relief, five reported mild discomfort. Nine excelled, three achieved good outcomes. No re-ruptures: two had superficial infections, managed conservatively.

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