Metal Bioaccumulation, Enzymatic Activity, Total Protein and Hematology of Feral Pigeon (Columba Livia), Living in the Courtyard of Ferronickel Smelter in Drenas

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I. Elezaj, Q.Selimi, K, Letaj, A.Plakiqi. S. I. Mehmeti, A. Milaimi


This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of Ferronickel smelter in concentration of lead, 
cadmium, zinc, copper and nickel in tissue of femur, tibia, liver kidney and testes, levels of plasma alanin 
aminotransferase (ALT), aspartat aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (AP) blood δaminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D), serum total proteins, hematocrit and hemoglobin in Feral 
pigeons. Pb was detectable only in tissues of femur and tibia; Cd and Cu in liver and kidney, Zn in all 
tissues while Ni only in tissues of pigeons of courtyard smelter. Zn concentration was significantly higher 
(P<0.05) in kidney of courtyard smelter in comparison with reference. Plasma AP was significantly higher 
(P<0.001) in pigeons of reference in comparison with pigeons of courtyard smelter, while ALT and AST 
were relatively unchanged. The ALA-D activity of pigeons from courtyard of smelter was significantly 
inhibited (P<0.001) and an inverse correlation between Pb concentration in femur and tibia and ALA-D 
activity (r = -877; P<0.001; r = -0.787; P<0.01) was established. The total serum proteins of pigeons of 
courtyard of smelter was significantly lower (P<0.001). Hematocrit and haemoglobin were unchanged. 
Suggestion: Feral pigeons as worth biomonitoring organisms for evaluation of environmental pollution based 
on Ferronickel industry.

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