Epidemiological Factors and Clinical Profile of Ovarian Tumors in a Teriary Care Hospital- An Observational Study

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Nisha Naik, Mrinalini Sahasrabhojanee


Background: Ovarian cancers are very common worldwide and one of the leading causes of death in women. In India Ovarian cancers are second most common in women, these tumors are usually asymptomatic and detected mostly in later stages. The aim of the present study was to observe the epidemiological factors and clinical profile of ovarian tumors in females in tertiary care hospital.

Materials and Methods: A hospital based prospective clinical study on 120 cases diagnosed with ovarian tumors & also ovarian cysts was carried out during a period of 18 months. The data collection was done for 1 year and same patients were followed for 6 months period. The cases were included based on the laid inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Results: It was found that 61% of the patients had benign & 39% had malignant ovarian tumours. Mean age group was 41-50 years for malignant and 30-40 years of benign tumors. 24.1

% of cases were nulliparous and 43.3% were more than three parity. Postmenopausal patients were 58.8%. Serous cystadenoma was found to be the most common benign ovarian tumour. Among the malignant tumours papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma was found to be highest.

Conclusion: The origin and etiopathogenesis of ovarian malignancies is controversial. Insufficient evidence is present about the molecular changes and genetic profile which may be associated with carcinogenesis of ovarian cancer. Hence evaluation of epidemiology and disease progression has to be done in order to diagnose and manage the disease at an earlier stage.

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