Online Vs Classroom-Type Training for Human Resources Impact toward the Development of Banking Institution in Indonesia

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Jitendra Prasad Upadhyay, Ballav Niroula, Bindu Gnawali, Akhmad Kusuma Wardhana, Sanju Kumar Singh


A bank needs talented human resources to survive in a pandemic caused by COVID-19. Continuous improvement of employees through training and education is essential to overcome the challenge of economic problems. This study has a purpose to observe if the training has sort of impact on the profit of Mandiri Bank. The samples are reports from 2015-2020 collected from the Mandiri Bank website. The samples were divided into two, training and income. The report using the regression technique. The data are analyzed using SPSS. Classroom training has more effect on premium income than online training, shown by R square score 0,65 than an online one, 0,2. However, neither classroom nor online has a significant impact on net profit. Another result is non-permanent employees has higher R square score than permanent one toward premium income. The reason because non-permanent employees are involved in a project outside the daily routine of the bank. Employees feel more responsible toward their job by involving them with high salary projects and decision-making.

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