Hemisection: A Case Report

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Bijay Raj Yadav, Dr. Pooja Kabra, Ekta Choudhary


This study presents a comprehensive case involving a 21-year-old woman seeking dental care for pain and swelling around her lower left first molar. The examination revealed a large radiolucent area with bone loss suggestive of periapical lesion present at the apex of mesial root canal. Following a radiographic evaluation, a treatment plan was devised, incorporating a hemisection procedure focused on the healthy distal root with furcation involvement. The root canal treatment involved meticulous shaping using PROTAPER GOLD files, irrigation with sodium hypochlorite and ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid, and canal obturation with gutta-percha/Sealapex. Hemisection at the mesial root was performed, and subsequent prosthodontic restoration addressed the distal root space. The integrated approach successfully managed the endo-perio lesion and grade III furcation involvement, highlighting the effectiveness of hemisection in intricate dental cases. The study emphasizes the importance of case-specific considerations in choosing treatment plans, showcasing a tailored strategy for optimal oral health and function

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