Analysing The Impact of Parental Participation in Education in India

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Dr. Soma Parija, Dr. Sayed Firoj Alli, Kalyani Biswal


Introduction: This research is about the analysis of the internal relationship of children's education and the contribution of parents for that. The researcher has introduced all the things of the research and research topic at the introductory part of this study.

Aim: The study aims to discover the effect of parental contribution for the educational development of children

Literature review: This explains the effect of parents' culture on the children and the learning habits of children. This includes theory to analysing the best factors behind this research.

Methodology: This section includes all the methods followed by the researcher. This includes the primary methods of data collection and quantitative analysis.

Findings: This chapter includes the statistical tables and calculations for the analysis of the research topic. This is the most important chapter as this explains all the calculative parts of the research.

Discussion: This discusses about all the things that has been mentioned in the research. The parent's contribution behind educational development and the effect of parents have been focussed.

Conclusion: This research’s analysis has emphasized the sacrifice of Indian parents for the development of their children. This is vital research to understand the value of parents.

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