Occurrence Rate of Edentulism, Dental Caries, Cysts and Malocclusion in a Known Population and Their Treatment with Denture Prosthesis, Root Canal Treatment, Surgical Procedures and Orthodontic Appliances, Respectively.
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Background: This study was conducted to assess the occurrence rate of edentulism, dental caries, cysts and malocclusion in a known population and their treatment with denture prosthesis, root canal treatment, surgical procedures and orthodontic appliances, respectively.
Material and methods: This study was conducted to assess the occurrence rate of edentulism, dental caries, cysts and malocclusion in a known population and their treatment with denture prosthesis, root canal treatment, surgical procedures and orthodontic appliances, respectively. The study comprised of 100 subjects who underwent oral clinical examination. The subjects had been explained about the procedure and were asked for written consent. All the subjects provided consent for the study. It had been observed that out of 100, 25 subjects had malocclusion, 25 subjects had edentulism, 25 subjects had cysts in their oral cavity and 25 subjects had dental caries. Hence, they were divided into 4 groups of 25 each. The treatment plan for all the subjects had been made. Denture prosthesis had been made for the subjects with edentulism, root canal treatment was planned for the subjects who had grossly carious teeth, orthodontic appliances had been fabricated for the subjects with malocclusion and surgical procedures like enucleation and marsupialization was carried out for the subjects with cysts in their oral cavity. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software.
Results: The prevalence of dental caries was 23%. 15 subjects had class 2 malocclusion and 4 subjects had class 3 malocclusion. The total prevalence of malocclusion in this study was 19%. 13 subjects had dentigerous cyst, 10 had radicular cyst and 3 subjects had odontogenic keratocyst in their oral cavity. 20 subjects had complete edentulism and 12 subjects had partial edentulism. The pit and fissure caries were treated with composite restoration. Grossly carious teeth were managed with root canal treatment. Class 2 malocclusion was treated with twin block appliance, Jasper Jumper appliance and Herbst appliance. Class 3 malocclusion was managed with Frankel III appliance, chin cap and reverse twin block appliance. OKC was managed with enucleation. Dentigerous cyst was managed with enucleation and marsupialization and Radicular cyst was treated with apicoectomy. Complete edentulism was treated by giving complete denture to the patient and partial edentulism was managed with fixed partial dentures and implants.
Conclusion: The prevalence of dental caries was 23%. 15 subjects had class 2 malocclusion and 4 subjects had class 3 malocclusion. The total prevalence of malocclusion in this study was 19%. 13 subjects had dentigerous cyst, 10 had radicular cyst and 3 subjects had odontogenic keratocyst in their oral cavity. 20 subjects had complete edentulism and 12 subjects had partial edentulism. The total prevalence of edentulism was 32%.