Cardioprotective Activity of Luffa Acutangula Fruits Extract on Isoproterenol Induced Myocardial Infarction in Rats

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Bennihalli Naipunya, Nanjappaiah Hanakunti Math, Virupanagouda P Patil, Vinod S Pawar, Akash limbikai, Umar Faruk Onti, Shivakumar Hugar


Introduction: The cardioprotective activity of ethanolic extract of Luffa acutangula fruits was studied in isoproterenol (ISO) induced myocardial infarction using adult male Wistar rats. Exposure of experimental animals to isoproterenol significantly elevated the systolic blood pressure and heart rate and decreased the diastolic blood pressure as compared to control animals. The administration ISO to the cardiac control animals showed an increase in ST segment, prolongation of P waves, QRS complex, and RR interval when compared to normal control animals. Ascorbic acid and various doses of ethanolic extract of Luffa acutangula fruits treatment decreases the ST segment, P waves prolongation, QRS complex, and RR interval. ISO administered rats show increased serum levels of AST, CK and LDH. Administration of ethanolic extract of Luffa acutangula fruits reduced the elevated levels. The animals intoxicated with ISO showed decreased GSH content and an increased MDA content. The treatment of various dosages of ethanolic extract of Luffa acutangula fruits and ascorbic acid significantly reversed the GSH and MDA. In histopathological examination the ISO treated animals exhibited increased infraction, congestion, bleeding, fibrosis, myocyte size and inflammation and rats treated with ascorbic acid and varying doses of ethanolic extract of Luffa acutangula fruits resulted in reduction.


Objectives to evaluate acute toxicity and cardioprotective activity of Luffa acutangula fruits

Methods: The animals were divided into six groups containing six animals each. Group 1 animals received distilled water for 30 days. Group 2 animals administered with distilled water for 30 days and ISO 85 mg/kg on 28th and 29th day. Group 3 animals received Ascorbic acid 20 mg/kg for 30 days and ISO on 28th and 29th day.  Group 4, 5 and 6 animals received various doses of EELAF such as 100, 250 and 500 mg/kg respectively for 30 days and ISO on 28th and 29th day. On day 31st animals were anaesthetized using Ketamine 100 mg/kg then those animals were placed in the Biopac. MP-46 instrument

Results: Luffa acutangula fruits 2500 mg/kg was taken as LD50 cutoff   value  It was observed that the protective effect of test extract at a dose of 500 mg/kg Blood pressure,  heart rate, ECG, serum enzymes and biomarker.

Conclusions: In conclusion, antioxidant property and presence of flavonoids and tannins in the EELAF could be the reason for cardioprotective activity against isoproterenol induced myocardial infraction. However, further study is needed to establish the exact mechanism of action of EELAF as Cardioprotective of EELAF.

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