Studies on Physico-Chemical Parameter Analysis of Sina Dam from Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra in Relation to Fish Culture

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B.D. Keskar, B.A. Pawar


Changes in water quality characteristics of a rain-fed Sina dam lake were explored to determine its potential for pisciculture. Several factors, including temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, chloride, hardness, magnesium, nitrite, sulphate, iron, and phosphate, were evaluated for a year, from June 2023 to May 2024. All of the physicochemical data measured showed that changes in water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, chloride, magnesium, and nitrate were within acceptable levels for fish and fishing operations. However, a low quantity of iron, salinity and manganese significant level of hardness and phosphate were detected. These settings must be modified to promote fish culture.

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