Herbal Medicines in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Various reports have shown that chronic low-grade inflammation is associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and that sub-clinical inflammation contributes to insulin resistance and is linked to the characteristics of metabolic syndrome which primarily include chronic hyperglycemia. Oxidative stress stimulates the generation of inflammatory mediators and inflammation which in turn enhances the production of reactive oxygen species. The interaction between chronic hyperglycemia, oxidative stress, systemic inflammation and the factors promoting prevalence of diabetes mellitus, with particular focus on type 2 diabetes and its secondary complications are the main motivation for the compilation of this article. Phytochemicals, the secondary metabolites produced by the plants, are reported to have both significant beneficial and pharmacological properties in alleviating most of the human ailments especially diabetes mellitus. Herbal medicines are often preferred for the treatment of human ailments because of their availability, accessibility, affordability and non-toxicity. Based on our previous studies on the pharmacological and beneficial properties of various medicinal plants, phytochemicals and the mineral contents, the present article adjudicates the essential role of herbal medicines in the treatment of diabetes and its secondary complications.