The Influence of Perceived Value and Patient Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in Labuang Baji Hospital, Sul-Sel Prov and Grestelina Hospital, Makassar, 2022

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Desy Filda Zulkifli, Fridawaty Rivai, M Alimin Maidin, Syahrir A Pasinringi, Irwandy, Lalu Muhammad Saleh


Object. Patient loyalty is a deep view of commitment to consistently repurchase a product or service better in the future. Perceived value is a consumer's overall assessment of the usefulness of a product or service based on perceptions of what is received and what is given. And patient satisfaction is an expectation or concept of service expectations that is intended to measure the normative expectations of customers, and these expectations represent the "ideal standard" of performance.

Method. This research method is analytical observational with a cross sectional study approach by distributing questionnaires to 268 patients at Labuang Baji Regional Hospital and 270 patients at Grestelina Hospital. Sampling was carried out using proportional stratified random sampling technique from each hospital. and analyzed using the Chi-square test and path analysis .

Result. The research results showed that Perceived Value has an effect on Customer Loyalty (p=0.001), Perceived Value has an effect on Patient Satisfaction (p=0.001), Perceived value does not have a big influence on customer loyalty through patient satisfaction. The path diagram between perceived value and customer loyalty because the direct path coefficient is greater than the indirect path coefficient, namely 0.267> 0.076. Based on the research results, it is known that Perceived Value and Patient Satisfaction are still low, which will affect engagement and have an impact on low customer loyalty.

Conclusion. It is recommended for hospitals to increase Perceived Value and Patient Satisfaction, by making improvements in all sectors starting from superiors and subordinates as well as fellow colleagues, providing good service so as to create loyalty in patients.

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