Malay Supreme Issues Among Chinese Politics: A Brief Historical View
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For UMNO, and Malay popular opnion in general, ketuanan Melayu, is a political fact of Malaysian society. ...Thus “Malay special position” in the constitution has become consonant with support for ketuanan Melayu (Lee Hock Guan, 2002). Even today, Malay dominance or what the Malays call, ketuanan Melayu, is more openly discussed in the Malay media than in the English-language media or in the Chinese vernacular media. To the non-Malays it represents an unpalatable, unconscionable and direct declaration of absolute Malay rule. To them, it means a system in which Malay enjoys more rights than other ethnic communities, more rights than even the other bumiputra (Cheah Boon Kheng, 2004).
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