Diagnosis and Treatment of Pre-Mature Aging Disease and Conditions: A Review

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Aprajita Dhawan, Shrutika Goel


The process of aging is natural and dynamic, taking place in all living cells, organs, and organisms. The irreversible process is considered typical until it happens within a specified timeframe. Pathological age-related conditions include syndromes like Wiedemann–Rautenstrauch syndrome, Werner syndrome, Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, and PYCR1-related cutis laxa. Genetic mutations are responsible for the occurrence of these syndromes, and they can be effectively managed through a combination of medicinal and genetic therapies. Several improvements have been developed to address these conditions. Since there are only a few cases, we still don't have a conclusive treatment. This literature review aims to explore the development and treatment of these syndromes.

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